Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween!!!


Isn't he sexy? It's Cyrano De Bush-Iraq!!! Nice package :)
Yes- Georgie is going commando- his flag boxers were just a little to bunchy for these tight white tights :)

My Buddy

Introducing Mini Dubbya!!! My new pet to love—and torture with ridiculous attire! Woo hoo!! Looks like he's bringing the power of Jesus to Napoleon Dynamite. Can you believe that he actually speaks - with 25 "unique and authentic" phrases. I'm suprised they found that many where he didn't butcher the english language. Kudos to the manufactureres at Toypresidents® (www.toypresidents.com).
Here are some facts about my buddy:
• He was lovingly handcrafted in the People's Republic of China.
• He wears american flag boxer shorts and cheesy black socks.
• He is reffered to as an action figure on the box he came in- which I enjoy.
I intend to dress him up in a bunch of different outfits and costumes and take him on road trips and to places the real W wouldn't dare to go!! I am open to any suggestions you may have as to what to do with my new friend!! ENJOY!!!!!!!